A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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Year 2

Year 2 is an exciting adventure from start to finish as we explore the continents of the world  with ‘The Snail and the Whale’, ‘Emperor’s Egg’ and ‘Lila and the Secret of Rain’. These wonderful Power of Reading texts help the children to learn about the different continents of the world and link to their Science, Geography and even dance lessons in PE. 

Additionally, in Year 2 the children enjoy learning to play the recorder in their weekly music lessons. As well as this, they have the opportunity to explore the history of transport at Brooklands Museum.

As the children become more confident with their writing, we travel back in time and much of our writing in the Spring term is based on our History topics of Florence Nightingale and the Great Fire of London. A fun-filled drama workshop gives the children an opportunity to develop their understanding of what it was like in these historical periods, builds their confidence in performing and supports their writing. Through our DT lessons, we build our own city of London and then set fire to it to learn more about why the Great Fire of London spread so quickly and how it was put out - a truly memorable experience. 

Throughout Years 1-6 the learning is focused on mastering the end of year objectives set out in the 2014 National Curriculum. In Years 1 & 2 the children follow the Key Stage 1 programmes of study as outlined in the National Curriculum and in Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 they follow the Key Stage 2 programmes. The National Curriculum for both key stages consists of the core subjects: Mathematics, English, Science and Computing; and the foundation subjects; History, Geography, Design & Technology, Art and Design, Music, and P.E. The Surrey Agreed Syllabus is used for the teaching of Religious Studies (R.S).  

Children are taught in mixed ability classes throughout the school. They progress through the classes according to age except in very exceptional instances where the individual needs of the child make an alternative programme necessary.

The Echelford Primary School