School Info


Our school community is made up of 3 parallel classes in every year group from Reception (aged 4-5 years) all the way up to Year 6 (aged 10-11 years). This makes us one of the larger schools in Spelthorne and means we are uniquely placed to offer our children every opportunity to form numerous friendships and, at the end of their time with us, make a confident and smooth transition to secondary school.
From Autumn 2013 we were delighted to become part of the Lumen Learning Trust with Saxon Primary taking on the role of our sponsoring school. The drivers for change which enabled Saxon to become a centre of excellence for Shepperton are those that underpin Echelford’s developments too. The starting point for Echelford’s learning environment is the child and we work hard to ‘craft’ the provision around their individual needs. In this way we can be confident that we are ensuring the right opportunities are made available to enable every child to excel and genuinely achieve their full potential.
Echelford is set on a spacious well-equipped site with two playgrounds and a large field where the children are able to enjoy the use of our own adventure playgrounds, trim trail and football pitch.
Echelford is approximately 20 mins walk from Ashford High Street and serves the local community and beyond with many children coming from other Spelthorne and Hounslow communities.
We would love to show you around our school and give you the chance to see the dynamic learning environment for yourself. Please make contact with the school office on 01784 253233 who will make a booking for you.
Our teaching team benefits from the strengths and skill set from colleagues both within Echelford itself but also within Saxon, Riverbridge, Walton Oak and Darley Dene. Across the five schools we have 9 Specialist Leaders of Education; our Vice Executive Principal, Ms Kober; and our Executive Principal, Mrs. McCarthy who is an accredited National Leader of Education as well as a school inspector.
Our Vision
Echelford is an inclusive primary school where everyone learns in an environment which encourages individuals to realise their own self-worth. We are committed to enabling opportunities to discover confidence, develop independence and build resilience so that individuals realise their own unique value and thrive both in our community and beyond.
Echelford Primary School is committed to Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. To achieve our commitment we will ensure continuous improvement and development of robust Safeguarding processes and procedures that promote a culture of Safeguarding amongst our staff and volunteers.
Our children have compiled a prospectus of their own, called "70 things to do before you leave Echelford," which covers just some of the many extra events and activities we organise for our children every year. Feel free to download this using the link below.