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Social, Moral, Spiritual & Cultural learning

At Echelford Primary School SMSC (social, moral, spiritual and cultural) education is integral to children’s learning across the curriculum. Children respond confidently to the opportunities within the curriculum, and are inspired as lifelong learners with many positive choices for their future.

Social Learning

Children enjoy working as part of a group, supporting each other in extending their learning, listening to others’ and sharing their own views and opinions. Children work and socialise with others in a range of learning settings, and are able to cooperate and solve conflicts with their peers. This is evident during lunchtimes where the children have access to the Scrap Store Play Pod equipment.

Moral Learning

Children have the opportunity to discuss the differences between right and wrong, and understand that their actions have consequences. Children demonstrate positive choices in their behaviour as a result of listening to others’ opinions and reasoning about their own views on a range of topics and situations.

Spiritual Learning

Children are confident to express their ideas and talk about their personal beliefs and values. They enjoy exploring others’ feelings, values and beliefs; and demonstrate respect and tolerance as they listen to others. Children have the opportunity to be creative and imaginative in their learning, and are given time to reflect on their personal experiences.

Cultural Learning

Children enjoy investigating their own and others’ cultures. They develop their sense of self through reflection and exploring their own heritage, and are able to share and celebrate their differences with others.

The Echelford Primary School