A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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The Echelford Primary School

Links & Resources

We will continue to share a number of links with you via our Facebook page which we hope will provide guidance and support for families.

We understand it can be a little difficult to find a specific post in our timeline so we have listed below all the links we have included to date in one handy list. 

First and foremost, please check Google Classroom:  


Maths Resources:

Multiplication and Division

Online Games:



Games to play at home

You do not need to print the instructions and you can write the equations and answers into your home learning books.




Online Games:



Games to play at home:

http://mathperspectives.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Grab-a-Handful-At-Home-.pdf (Instructions don't need printing)

Addition and Subtraction Activities

Online Games:





Games to play at home:

The resources that you will need for these games are: paper, a pencil/pen, a cup or bag, small items to count (such as counters, marbles, Lego bricks or dried pasta). You do not need to print the instructions and can write the equations and answers into your home learning books.



Time Resources and Activities:


You can play with setting time on the clock and explore how the clock works in relation to time including seconds, minutes and hours.

Practical Activities:

  • When cooking dinner (whether it be you or your grown ups), can you write down the timings? This includes how long it takes to prepare the food as well as how long it takes to bake a cake.
  • Can you time yourself doing your daily exercise? How long did it take? What time did you start? What time did you finish?
  • Can you challenge someone at home to the time game that Stephen Mulhern loves to play on his Saturday evening TV programme 'In for a Penny'? You decide on a set amount of seconds as the target (e.g. 10 seconds), the judge has a stopwatch and tells you when to begin. You need to tell the judge to stop the stopwatch when you think it has been that exact number of seconds. Keep taking it in turns and changing the target.

Times Tables Songs:

Many of you will be using Times Tables Rockstars to practise your times tables but you can also use songs. Here are some great ones that you might want to learn:

BBC Bitesize:

The BBC Bitesize website is fantastic for reviewing topics and going over key skills. Here are some areas you might like to recap:

Topmarks Website - Games and Activities:

Topmarks is a great website for online learning games. We have selected some useful ones to support with various areas of learning.

Carol Vorderman - The Maths Factor:

This website is free to sign up to. We would recommend your grown ups creating a login; you can then explore all of the online activities that they have available.



The Echelford Primary School