A Primary Trust
for Primary Schools

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The Echelford Primary School

Who's Who in our PTFA

Whilst everyone is a automatically a member of the PTFA when their child joins Echelford there are also a number of other named roles which members can volunteer for: Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Class Representatives.

We are mindful of the myriad of other commitments we all have through work and family and so look to find ways of ensuring no one person is overloaded with a role in any way.  As a consequence our named roles are all shared by two or three people.

Chair Maria Houghton 
Secretary Lucy Garrod
Treasurer Bernice Baumann

School Representatives:

tbc Class Teacher
Mrs. Tozer School Business Leader
Mrs. Bugembe Co Headteacher
Miss K Oakley Co Headteacher

Class Representatives:  

RA Denise Voicu
RG Anna Bond
RO Claire McNicholls
1A Naomi Osborne
1CJ Lauren Paver
1M Rowena White
2DT Gemma Perry
2L Rebecca Frost
2W Lauren McBride & Natalie Ballard
3A Harpreet Ahdan
3C Neena Jagpal
3S Hannah Parry
4B Tasmyn Blewett
4BG Mandy Bye & Amber Cawte
4R Natalie Ballard
5B Natalie Ballard & Harpreet Ahdan
5M Bernice Baumann
5W Anna Bond
6H Keri Vasta
6P Lauren McBride
6S Keri Vasta (interim)

To help in administrative and practical ways, not least by drumming up support from parents in their class, each class has three class representatives.  We have some volunteers already but if you would like to put your name forward please email pta.echelford@lumenlearningtrust.co.uk - the more the merrier!

You are automatically a member of the PTFA when your child joins Echelford, but if you are interested in becoming a class representative, or assisting the PTFA in any other way, please contact us on pta.echelford@lumenlearningtrust.co.uk. 

The Echelford Primary School